Thursday 17 January 2008


Christ was a man, Moses was a man, and Mohammed was a man. The conclusion that I draw from this is ‘Thou shalt never apologize for being a man’.

As a man in this world, we have been given the responsibility to treat women as a gift from God. The Lord created man in His image, and from man he formed woman. Don't worry, this is not a lesson from the book of Genesis, all I am saying is that God has trusted man to take care, protect and respect the lady which was created through him

It's not uncommon these days for women to be the major breadwinners in a relationship. In my experience, some men have no issue with it, others do. Even in those relationships where the man is not threatened by this there can still be issues with this role reversal. Traditionally, men were bought up to be the provider for their family; women were raised to be the nurturer. What happens when the woman is the major provider? When she is not free to spend her days preparing the home for the husband's arrival in from a long day at work? Do the typical gender roles in marriage still apply? I think they have to, to some degree, for the relationship to truly work. Whether the man is the main provider or not, he needs to feel that he is needed by his wife, that she needs him to protect her, care for her, defend her.

Looking around today, our world seems skewed and confused. So may people, like my blogger friend, are asking: Who is who? Who does what? Are we in a contest to see who is better-men or women? Is that what life is about? And if no one knows who they are and what they are supposed to be doing, what about the youth? Who will they grow up to be?

Let me state unwaveringly that I am proud of being a man and would never have it any other way. After all, are not the words “civilization” and “men” synonymous? Yes, it must tax the brain of even the most hardened radical feminist deceiver to effectively obscure the fact that so many cultural achievements are a direct result of masculine creativity and energy.

All of modern life’s infrastructure—homes, buildings, plumbing, clean water, medicine, sanitation, electronics, law, literature, art, and bountiful food—were built or made possible through the sweat and labor of men. A true irony here is that many of the most virulent male-haters are also the people that would fare the worst if they isolated from all of society’s accoutrements. What would they do without their Valium and Pain relievers, including contraceptive pills?

Women happen to be some of the most pampered and spoiled individuals on the planet.

It is clear that men and women have equal means of intelligence, but all analysis of psychometric results showcases men having considerably more overall scatter within their profiles than women. More of us are found on the extremes which half the time is not such a good thing at all. Mental retardation, just like genius, is most often a “male thang.” The history of men is a tale of valiant heroes and spectacular failures, and I suspect the future will not change this.

When we are born, our mothers get the compliments and the flowers. When we are married, our brides get the presents and the publicity and even when we eventually die; our widows get the life insurance. Are those not enough? Prolly not…for the male haters!

What EXACTLY do women want to be liberated from? Or succinctly put, why should a blogger state that men do nothing but EAT, FUCK AND DIE!!