Thursday 17 January 2008


Christ was a man, Moses was a man, and Mohammed was a man. The conclusion that I draw from this is ‘Thou shalt never apologize for being a man’.

As a man in this world, we have been given the responsibility to treat women as a gift from God. The Lord created man in His image, and from man he formed woman. Don't worry, this is not a lesson from the book of Genesis, all I am saying is that God has trusted man to take care, protect and respect the lady which was created through him

It's not uncommon these days for women to be the major breadwinners in a relationship. In my experience, some men have no issue with it, others do. Even in those relationships where the man is not threatened by this there can still be issues with this role reversal. Traditionally, men were bought up to be the provider for their family; women were raised to be the nurturer. What happens when the woman is the major provider? When she is not free to spend her days preparing the home for the husband's arrival in from a long day at work? Do the typical gender roles in marriage still apply? I think they have to, to some degree, for the relationship to truly work. Whether the man is the main provider or not, he needs to feel that he is needed by his wife, that she needs him to protect her, care for her, defend her.

Looking around today, our world seems skewed and confused. So may people, like my blogger friend, are asking: Who is who? Who does what? Are we in a contest to see who is better-men or women? Is that what life is about? And if no one knows who they are and what they are supposed to be doing, what about the youth? Who will they grow up to be?

Let me state unwaveringly that I am proud of being a man and would never have it any other way. After all, are not the words “civilization” and “men” synonymous? Yes, it must tax the brain of even the most hardened radical feminist deceiver to effectively obscure the fact that so many cultural achievements are a direct result of masculine creativity and energy.

All of modern life’s infrastructure—homes, buildings, plumbing, clean water, medicine, sanitation, electronics, law, literature, art, and bountiful food—were built or made possible through the sweat and labor of men. A true irony here is that many of the most virulent male-haters are also the people that would fare the worst if they isolated from all of society’s accoutrements. What would they do without their Valium and Pain relievers, including contraceptive pills?

Women happen to be some of the most pampered and spoiled individuals on the planet.

It is clear that men and women have equal means of intelligence, but all analysis of psychometric results showcases men having considerably more overall scatter within their profiles than women. More of us are found on the extremes which half the time is not such a good thing at all. Mental retardation, just like genius, is most often a “male thang.” The history of men is a tale of valiant heroes and spectacular failures, and I suspect the future will not change this.

When we are born, our mothers get the compliments and the flowers. When we are married, our brides get the presents and the publicity and even when we eventually die; our widows get the life insurance. Are those not enough? Prolly not…for the male haters!

What EXACTLY do women want to be liberated from? Or succinctly put, why should a blogger state that men do nothing but EAT, FUCK AND DIE!!


Anonymous said...

He he he! Ugo D The "MASCULINIST".Here comes the man advocating for fellow men.U need to start a movement fighting for the rights of men.This part made me reel with laughter"women happen to be some of the most pampered and spoiled individuals on the planet".If u don't pamper women, which other creatures would u pamper again? Women are really special and ths fact can never be denied.U know it.No wonder God had to create a female for Adam and the fact that she was created from one of his ribs should not make her inferior to man.The society has been unjust to women especially in the institution of marriage which is very much partriachal.Now that there is this growing trend towards independence of women which may take years to be achieved, men have started complaining and i wonder why.What exactly are ye advocating? Lol!Nice post all the same.

Anonymous said...

He he he Ugo D the "MASCULINIST".Here comes the man who advocates for the rights of his fellow men.U need to start a movement fighting for Men's rights in the society.This part made me reel with laughter "Women happen to be some of the most pampered and spoiled individuals on the planet".What other creatures would you pamper if not women? We are really special creatures and no one can deny this fact.U kow it Dannie. No wonder God had to create a female for Adam and the fact that she was created from one of his ribs should not make her inferior to man.The society has been unjust to women especially in the institution of marriage which is very much partriachal.Now that there is this growing trend towards the independence of women which may take years before it can be achieved,men have started complaining and I wonder why.So what are you advocating? Nice post all the same. Lol!

onydchic said...

Ahh... I see I have been challenged! I think it was fate that drew me to be the first here today!

First of all: I never said that's all they do! I said that's WHAT THEY ULTIMATELY CRAVE. When most guys thinks of a wife or some chicks, they're ultimately thinking: Ah yes, someone to feed me, clean me and warm my bed. Not so? fine, they might enjoy the company, but THAT's just how you guys were wired!

I dont deny that women can be just as narrow: Many are looking for a cash cow, and everything else is secondary, as I stated in the next post.

There's no contest. I'm not saying women are better. But i have to disagree with you there in the literature, art and inventions thing. Back in the day, educating the female child was not given as much of a priority as the male... thus they had the opportunity to exceed us in knowledge and science. A man working then was encouraged and applauded, while the woman was trained just enough to be able to interact with other people and how to keep a home.

It's no news that nowadays, more women than men are finishing school and getting further in studies. Your theories are based on a time when feminine expression was SUPPRESSED and discouraged.

I dont believe one sex is better than the other, but i just think now, in this day and age, we need men a lot less than we used to. Men are the breadwinners, but we can 'win our bread' too and once you get past that, what is now the function of the man?

If God never declared a man as the head of the house, what WOULD he be? When a woman can provide, THINK, make decisions, plan better, and deliver and take care of children? What exactly is this man's point beyond being a sperm donor? He'll just be muscle!

Fine we need guys... but not as much as you give yourselves credit for.

Queen of My Castle said...

Wow, what a post. I was brought up to be a lady that always makes her man feel like a man, even in his insecurities and short comings. I have no problem with traditional gender roles, in fact I would love to work for myself so that I would be able to be there should my hubby or children need me at a moment's notice and to be able to provide and create a warm and loving atmosphere in my home. I have no qualms with allowing my man to be Boaz, as long as he adores and treats me like I'm his Ruth.

Great post

bumight said...

I'll assume that u feel this way because of the write up you read. I need to read that post before I say anything. and why can't u state ur postion without resulting to arguing Ad Hominem?

Joy Akut said...

ewo, ugo,i was just going to laugh this whole thing off till i read this 'women happen to be some of the most pampered and spoiled individuals on the planet'?
like seriously? spoiled?
show me a man who can stand carrying another being in him for 9 months, go through the pain of labour,stay up all night attending to a crying baby(while the woman is out clubbing and maybe screwing another man as added bonus) and going to work without sleep to earn money for the lazy arse glued to couch, crotch scratching, tv/video game freak guy,then go through the hideous cramps monthly...i'm not even going to touch base on the whole intellect thing, it'll just drive me crazy..

i beg to difer but chics are much more than u give em credit for and guys are less than u give em credit for.

i think all sexes are equal, but some just happen to be more equal than others sometimes...GIRL POWER!'

guerreiranigeriana said...

wow...i see onydchic's post lit a fire for you...i read your response on her page too...never seen such a long post from a guy...and now, you have posted...

...i remember my preceptor in ghana saying/joking that soon, men would need to have a meeting to discuss the repositioning of men in would be hosted in khandhar (sp?) in afghanistan...i believe in 2009...shall i tell him that you will attend?...

...jokes aside...i think there is a delicate balance between the masculine and feminine energy in which both feel wanted, needed and appreciated...when the two are out of balance, as they have been for quite some time now, we have the issues we have...i think there is something inherently wrong with both patriarchy and matriachy-both are placing extra value on one over the other...

...i know i do not agree that there is no use for men outside of donating sperm...i grew up in a house with both males and females...i feel it when my brothers are gone and the house is dominated by feminine energy...i also feel it when the house is dominated by masculine energy...

...i am very capable of making my own money (once i find/create a job for myself;), raising children and the whole nine, alone...that is not what i want...not necessarily because of what i have been taught...but because i don't think it is balanced...

...the way things are going, does worry me...i think a repositioning of men's conference in 2009 in khandhar (sp?) may not be a bad idea...maybe we can talk about the repositioning of both men and women...nice post though...*walks away wondering if eating, fucking and dying as a whole existence for both wouldn't be soo bad...*

Anonymous said...

i always thought 'equality' for women is a step down from their position, because they are afterall mothers of us all.

what does make us equal is the grace we can give to each other through our acts and our service as Human beings, to a higher power.

plastiQ said...

I always try to avoid this kinda
rhetorical argument. Why should we go on and on about issues we already have answers to? FUCK, EAT and DIE you ask?....hmnn, sounds tempting, but I have to wake up at 4.30 am to get ready for work so I'll pass on the Die[-ing] part.

I think you took Onydchic out of context. What she was trying to say is that they [the boobsies] want a chance to pay for our meals, the uitlity bills, drive us to work, pamper us to unnecessary heights, buys us gifts that we most times don't need, be burdened with going to the barber' shop with us, just for show off sakes...etc. And the only thing we need to do is act as zombie sex toys [nirvana, at last!]

So, dude, why would you wanna argue with that? Meanwhile, I might have to bookmark your blog so try and check out my blog too.

Beyond said...

Great post,..... nice observation....... some of the alligations are true and some are not.... but my opinion is that every relationship is different and the most important thing lies in the personality and beliefs of the two partners involved..... they should know what they want and how to run things in ways that will satisfy both partner or should i say how to compromise.

TigerTem said...

One love....what happened to that?

This is a never ending argument with no real resolutions. So I'll stick to my shallow waters and not get too involved. I think we'd all do better just trying to be the best people we can all be. Men and women alike.

Like I love!

TigerTem said...

One love....what happened to that?

This is a never ending argument with no real resolutions. So I'll stick to my shallow waters and not get too involved. I think we'd all do better just trying to be the best people we can all be. Men and women alike.

Like I love!

D@AC said...

u think women r spoilt and pampered? R YA KIDDING ME??????
point 1 All a man ever wants is a son.. having girls is never a big deal..
point 2: a woman leaves her family 4 a mans own and lord knows his family more often than not gives her a hell of a time.
point 3: in all d bloody good jobs men earn more.. no matter wot she does statistic show a man on d same level as a woman will always earn more even tho she works twice as hard.
point 4 on dt note we ALWAYS ave 2 work twice as hard or we wont be taking seriously
point 5 most ofeten than not when a guy does "pampered" a woman u know 4 sure he's think he's paying 4 services u wanna say u've never tot dt way b4? come on
i can go on but i wanna say r NOT more intelligent statistically...research dt b4 u say it elsewhere ok

Sugabelly said...

But Ugo darling, the functions of the average man can be summarised thus: EAT, FUCK, WORK, PLAY, DIE (Believe me, men put great production into dying - they always want to go out in style, or in bloody glory (read: 300 "This is SPARTAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" "Tonight, we dine in HELLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!") etc, so seriously the blogger can't be blamed for her observations)

And it is true that men may not survive the ecstatic torture that is womanhood. Women know pain on 5000 different levels, some of which haven't even been invented yet.

Point is, men do mean a lot to us, no matter how exasperating. If you guys didn't exist, we would have noone to jump at 2am, when hormonal cravings hit us, and we would be very sad.

Dildo sex is no fun. :(

diary of a G said...

great post ugo d...I always liked you because you're a well spoken male rep

I understand ur fact
you express the same feelings I sometimes want to convey

I believe females need to be reminded from time to time tere are men like urself out there: decent educated and well mannered

I've also remember you representing for the women before in the upmost respectful way

I understand females tend to have a disappionted view of men due to some/too many bad encounters

I also Understand that it bugs the hell out of us whenever we hear females choose to state so boldly their feelings because of their own/friends experience regarding only the men they chose to have relationship(that turn sour) with

well I say their sentimens are drawn from sour relationships but I say if females were to used better LOGICS
then they would be better off

Miss Opeke said...

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion...maybe the man that blogger is with, only does those three (3) things...
For me, I never like to generalize because every man has his own strength and weaknesses.

And about this comment of yours,

Women happen to be some of the most pampered and spoiled individuals on the planet.

As my friend will say, "Don't hate, Apreciate!!!"

But I will say, don't blame us (women)that we were brought into this World to be pampered...although that hasn't been the faith for all women...I wish it were then we can all walk pass u with our nose raised high in

Anyways, this is a thought provokin' post you have here...

Anonymous said...

Tribal problems, racial problems, gender problems...when does it end?

I doubt we want to be liberated from anything because I can't see that we are in chains.

What I do know we want and demand and have even become feminists over is R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
That means a whole lot to us. I don't need my MD's love, he ain't my husband, I need his respect.When a man respects me, he gives me a voice, he lets me express myself and explore my rich potentials.

Yes, the man built all life's modern infrastructure but the woman wasn't sitting idly either. While he went into his study brooding over his idea for a telephone, she kept his untouched meals warm. While he had meetings with his learned colleagues, she darned his socks. When at night, he managed to come home to bed, she hoped he would hold her even just for a few minutes and just talk but he made love to her and fell asleep almost immediately. And then when he got up in the morning, ready to grab some tea for breakfast,he regaled her with stories of his success on his new discovery. And as he puts on his coat at the door and makes to leave, she calls his name. She wants to tell him she needs him but she can see he would not understand. So she says instead "You're a great man and I believe in you". He gains inspiration from that and goes out a jolly happy fellow.
For every great infrastructure you man created, a woman sacrificed some to make it possible.

-Your mother deserves those flowers and compliments because she carried you for nine months in her womb, suffered the pain of child birth and delivered you safely to earth.

-Your brides get the presents which she in turn uses to please you because she suffered through all the years of betrayal and pain you caused her and decided even to ignore on the wedding day that your girlfriend was singing in the choir.

-Your widows get the life insurance because that is the least you can do to pay them back for all the years of misery you brought them.
So these aren't exactly generous gifts as you imagine them to be. We deserve more.

I love men and I am glad God made them the way they are. I will never deny the fact that I need a man in my life. I like needing them but contrary to popular belief, Guinness doesn't bring out the greatness in a man, woman does.

Give woman some RESPECT.

Naija Chickito said...

Hmmmm. Na wa o!

Anu boy said...

Ugo... arghh you don start another controversy.. but this one, i comot my sword and stand behind u, we fight this fight together....

people.... when you discuss issues like this... please look at it from the major sides, yes there are minor sides, look at it the way it should be, not the way it is for some people....

anyways, i support Ugo on this one.... i am a man and i am proud being a man....






Daddy's Girl said...

Hmm... interesting post, shows that the war of sexes is alive and well. There's a lot I disagree with in this post, I think you've stereotyped women in response to the stereotyping of men. Neither sex deserves to be stereotyped. If we can move away from making damaging generalisations I think we could all understand one another better. Ugo, I know you're already aware of this but just to remind you - I'm running a writers' Carnival on my blog, it starts on Wednesday this week - do participate by either sending in an entry (there's still time, late entries will be accepted until all slots are filled) to, or checking out the entries (and voting for your favourite). Details are on my blog. Do mention it to others who may be interested - there's a prize at stake. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I read this post and the first thought that went through my mind was that Ugo is really angry about something. But, I really cannot believe that your anger will lead you to become a chauvinist.

Men start arguing from a masulinist point of view when they notice that they are loosing their power. Things are not going the way they want it. The person giving them a run for their money are generally the woman that they believe should be in the kitchen cooking.

Are wommen spoilt and pampered: I do not think so. Women are extremely hardworking, in many cases women take on three jobs that of being a career woman and of being a mother and a wife. Three jobs that she has to do at 100 percent. Can a guy do the same without the breaks that society hands him because of his masculinity - I doubt it.

Pls, "deceiver to effectively obscure the fact that so many cultural achievements are a direct result of masculine creativity and energy." -
No, it does not tax our brains because that was the time that society held us captive taht we were not allowed to show our creativity. To show our creativity we had to put on the masks of a man. A lot of very well known female writers in the Elizabethan eras all wrote as men. So no, that isn't a valid point.

you say,"When we are born, our mothers get the compliments and the flowers. When we are married, our brides get the presents and the publicity and even when we eventually die; our widows get the life insurance. Are those not enough? Prolly not…for the male haters!


Born - yes she gets the compliment if the child is a boy, if it is another girl to her addition she is considered cursed. If a child does a good thing, the father is commended even when he isn't around but if a child does bad who gets the blame - the woman.

Married: Both of them get the publicity,

Death: Depends on who dies first.

It cracks me up to see men turning on their head because things are change.

Viva Change!! Viva!!!

Until men learn to handle the fact that women are now more than ever economically, educationally on par with them - this war of the sexes will continue.

Pammy, the STAUNCH Womanist!!!!

Fo said...

hmmmm...sensitive topic to discuss on,u tried balance it out yet speak ur mind at same time which is good...well put.just rmbr that not all guys think like u..
ciao now ...

Jayn Sean said...

When all these people have said what i wanted to say, whats left for me to say now?..Just that this is a very intriguing post. Debatable, yet obvious. Men don't wanna admit that without women, they can't breath any air. Why say that a 'behind every successful man, there's a woman''?...Eehwoo! Ugo..with all these points you wrote down...i feel blessed to be a woman!

NneomaMD said...

are you serious...i hope this post is like some form of satire, along the lines of jonathan swift or fact, I don't even know where to begin. but previous commenters, some, have made their point. don't worry, in time, you may change your mind....

Jobove - Reus said...

very good blog, congratulations
regard from Catalonia Spain
thank you

princesa said...

Both sexes are equally important. One cant be without the other so what's the hulabaloo for??lol!

Anonymous said...

I waz here 2 say WAOW

Girlie said...

Hmmn UGO....No comment....actually yeah comment sha!!!

Anonymous said...

Una know say Ugo na Igbo man; for the most part, that's how they feel about their women...sad for me to bring ethnicity up, but that's a fact. For someone who had lauded the fact that he grew up surrounded by many women; Ugo that is, and talk about women in such a condescending way is not only despicable but an insult to his mother, his sisters and every woman that he has ever being related with.
Shame on you Ugo Daniels for giving REAL MEN a bad name!!!

Unknown said...

Hmmm, i started off agreeing with some of what you said ... yes, I believe personally that some semblance of traditional gender roles in the home are ideal. But then you completely lost my support ... yes today's society has been shaped largely by men but it is not just their acheivements that are present, our world is shaped by a lot of negative systems that men put in place, to name a major one; war. Also the only reason women have not been responsible for as many inventions as men is that until relatively recently (considering how long civilization has been around for), they were powerless to act in any capacity outside the home. Even now, equality btw the two genders is not definitely 50/50.

I don't agree with the blogger's ideas that you are talking about but I think you've taken the opposite but equally un-informed view (no offence).

Anyway, thanks for getting me thinking and Happy New Year. Saw the article about you in MADE!

Thirty + said...

So Ugo update nah trust you are good.

Anonymous said...

i sincerely hope you're kidding.

Anonymous said...

where are you?

beckyBOO said...


Anonymous said...

i think this article is awesome and im a lady.